This is a brief tutorial on how to use SVM on the current Lumio on Solana devnet. For EVM and Move VM, you can refer to the tutorials from the Lumio on Optimism testnet, but be sure to use the correct RPC and faucet RPC endpoints.
# Check supplyspl-tokensupply<address># Create an account to hold balancespl-tokencreate-account<address># Check balancespl-tokenbalance<address># Mint somespl-tokenmint<address><amount># Check supply againspl-tokensupply<address>
use solana_program::{ account_info::AccountInfo, entrypoint, entrypoint::ProgramResult, pubkey::Pubkey, msg,};// declare and export the program's entrypointentrypoint!(process_instruction);// program entrypoint's implementationpubfnprocess_instruction( program_id:&Pubkey, accounts:&[AccountInfo], instruction_data:&[u8]) ->ProgramResult {// log a message to the blockchainmsg!("Hello, world!");// gracefully exit the programOk(())}